- Jagannatha hora how to calculate masa dasas software#
- Jagannatha hora how to calculate masa dasas free#
Nakshatra: Satabhishak (Ra) (19.46% left)īody Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa You may try this approach of assessing the strengths of houses using SAV in divisional charts also.
Jagannatha hora how to calculate masa dasas free#
If my idea sounds appealing to you, please feel free to try it.īy the way, ashtakavarga can be found in divisional charts. I have used this reckoning of house strengths using SAV in many natal charts and dasa pravesha charts and was satisfied. In Bill Gates case, the scores in 9th, 10th and 11th houses using this approach are not 24, 27 and 27. I will make this calculation available in the free version.
Jagannatha hora how to calculate masa dasas software#
But, if you need a software, this variation will be available in version 7.0 of Jagannatha Hora software planned to be released on Magha Pournima (2005 Feb 23). This is very simple and you can do the calculations manually. The overall 9th house in a chart is combination the eight 9th houses (from lagna, Sun, Moon etc)! This total is a reflection of how strong the 9th house is overall. My idea was to add the score in the 9th house from Sun in Sun's BAV, the score in the 9th house from Moon in Moon's BAV, the score in the 9th house from Mars in Mars's BAV and so on, to see the strength of the 9th house.
When that is the whole idea, how logical is it to take the houses from lagna alone when finding the strengths of houses?Īren't the 9th houses from Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn good for nothing? Should the strength of the 9th house be decided solely based on the 9th house from lagna? When we say "the 9th house" are we to totally ignore the 9th houses from other references, or is the "9th house" a combination of all the eight 9th houses? Seven planets can be used as references along with lagna. The whole idea of ashtakavarga is that lagna is not the only reference.
This is somehow supposed to give an indication of how strong the 9th house is overall. Still, scores in Aq in all the eight bhinna ashtakavargas (BAV) are added up. Aq may be the 2nd house from Sun, 5th house from Moon, 7th house from Jupiter and so on. Aq) is taken and scores in Aq in all the eight ashtakavargas are aggregated. Then, to see the strength of 9th house, the 9th from Gemini (i.e. When finding the strengths of various houses in SAV, people normally consider houses from lagna alone. I do expect people to resist my idea, as what I am saying is different from what everybody else taught until now. If you get the inspiration from inside, you may try it and see how it works.
You don't have to accept it or even test it. On this auspicious day, I have decided to bow to Her and share my research finding with the Jyotish community. It is known as "Sri Panchami" and a day supposed to be dear to goddess Saraswathi (the goddess of knowledge). I also said I did some research and will share it with others when the time comes. I said at that time that there may be errors in standard understanding of SAV. Successful people like him are expected to have scores over 30 in those 3 houses. For example, Bill Gates has scores of 24, 27 and 27 in 9th, 10th and 11th houses. Someone gave a few counter-examples to some standard SAV principles. There was a discussion on samudaya ashtakavarga (SAV) a while ago.